Our Story


We are Mona and Ronald Lispet. In 2004 we started looking for a suitable dog for us. I had the opportunity to work less and so we decided that it was finally time to fulfill a long-cherished wish. But which breed?

After searching through numerous books and articles, we stayed stuck at the Weimaraner. The character and qualities of this dog spoke best to me. An acquaintance of his father’s had two Weimaraner (Sepp and Dyma). With them, we have gained a lot of information about the benefits, but also about the disadvantages of the dog. The Weimaraner has a sweet character, is sporty and is beautiful. The choice was made quickly.

We received an address from a Dutch breeder in Noord-Holland. We contacted them and after nine months of waiting, the redemptive phone call came that there would be a puppy for us. From the moment that Luna was born, we ran the door. Wim and Gerda gave us a lot of information about the Weimaraner. The first two visits we felt we were on an “application” and were tested whether we were fit to take a Weimaraner. This is what we greatly appreciated. They want the dog to get a proper home.

Our Story


Luna and I followed several courses in the following years. We soon realized that with Luna we wanted to breed a litter when the time was ripe. I began to apply for a kennel name and have looked deeper in the race. I followed the Odige courses and workshops. We also thought carefully about what the goal would be for us and we would like to stay close to the true target of the breed, so the true hound, a well-groomed dog, a nice uniform character and also asserts itself in hunting practice.

We try to focus in our line on the exterior, character, and above all the hunting instinct, because the Weimaraner is above all a versatile hunting dog and we want to express that in our lines. Our dogs are all skilled in practice hunting, both on the field and floating on big game in the forest. They are also used for competitions. We have had dogs for our whole life and have been more intensively engaged in dog hunting sports in the last few years.