Our dogs

Learn more about Luna’s Legacy dogs by clicking the buttons bellow. Enjoy ♥


Luna Misty’s Dream of the Greynoble

Luna was our first Weimaraner and a fantastic dog, well-built and a very good character. By her, the love for this breed has only grown, hence that she is the parent of our breeding.

Read more about Luna
Morganna Marakesh Rockleyan Ringleader Ch.
Vedanta Vice of Akateze
Rockleyan Ramella
Tribart Classical Melody of Morganna Ch.
Morganna Mozart
Kalimor Cracker of Tribart
Eager Misty of the Grey Noble
Int Ch.
The Rise and Grayshar Royal Heir
Grayshar’s Royal Valor
Wynwoods Rain on the Rise
Tempesteous D-day of the Grey Noble
Coastedge Silver Grey Flash
Heavy Storm of the Grey Noble


Pretty Women From Luna’s Legacy

Pretty ran several shows with excellent and very good reviews. She has KNJV hunting diploma B and also, Pretty has a lot of experience with practice hunting, both fieldwork and floating on course game.

Read more about Pretty
Conner von der Hahnweide Bux-Burschmann vom Erlenstock Cid von der Totenalb
Gute Fee von Aeskulap
Ambra von der Hahnweide Dingo von der Schelmelach
Granne vom Mayener-Hinterwald
Luna Misty’s Dream of the Grey Noble Morganna Marakesh Rockleyan Ringleader
Tribart Classical Melody of Morganna
Eager Misty of the Grey Noble
Int Ch.
The Rise and Grayshar Royal Heir
Tempesteous D-day of the Grey Noble


Jodie Foster from Luna’s Legacy

Jodie is our third weimaraner and a granddaughter of Luna. She is a very passionate hunting dog and already has a lot of experience with practice hunting both fieldwork and floating on course game. She has KNJV hunting diploma B and training to reach her A, but she is also a mischievous but sweet dog. We are planning to breed her on her next heat.

Read more about Jodie
Driftwood’s Quik Draw
Quiksilvr Bet The Maxx
Smokey Topaz Grey Hawk
Quiksilvr Bet On Tess
Driftwood’s Once Upon A Time
Pike’s Peak Silversmith Summit
Starbuck’s Greta Garbo
Pretty Women from Luna’s Legacy Conner von der Hahnweide Bux-Burschmann vom Erlenstock
Ambra von der Hahnweide
Luna Misty’s Dream of the Grey Noble Morganna Marakesh
Eager Misty of the Grey Noble